Google+ Rants of a Supposed Nerd: Finished!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This is just a short post, but I finished my unknown short story for Future Author's contest!!! Now I just need to type it up and enter it!!!
While playing minecraft, I have finally found diamonds!!! took me long enough!!!
Also, I took quizes on The, and I have scored as such:
I can take 21 Justin Biebers in a fight
My body can feed 19 rabid weasels
I could survive 1.2 seconds on the surface of the sun
My stomach could support one tape worm
I could survive for 47 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor
I could survive for 35 seconds after kicking a bear in the balls
And there's a 39% chance that my family wants to eat me.
So that's the short post. Picture!!!


  1. Can't wait to read it! :D

    ~future author

  2. yep, still haven't typed it up. i was planning on doing it today, but then I thought, hey, i want to play mine craft. and I did.
